Pengembangan E-modul Berbasis Heyzine pada Modul Proyek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila (P5) di SD Gugus Menes
Wiwik Pratiwi, 2023, Pengembangan E-modul Berbasis Heyzine pada Modul
Proyek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila (P5) di SD Gugus Menes. Tesis.
Program Pendidikan Magister Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan Pascasarjana
Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. Pembimbing I Prof. Dr. H. Sholeh Hidayat,
M.Pd., Pembimbing II Dr. H. Suherman, M.Pd.
Creativity and innovation are highly anticipated by governments for the fun
learning process. Producing an electronic product of material content is the hope
that researchers want. The material is described in visual form by utilizing
heyzine. The presence of some backup tools to create the teaching materials
among them is heyzine, the Canva tools. Heyzine is a flipbook that uses them in
the shape of a flip, so users can use them as if they were reading a normal print
book. To achieve this goal the researchers used research and development (r&d)
research with model 4d. Define, design, development, and disseminate are four
phases of this model. Based on the sequential results made with a 4d model that
could be concentrated, the teaching materials developed using heyzine were
particularly easy to understand and interesting to elementary school teachers on
the menes. The results of 30 teachers' effectiveness with a 0.77 average value and
a 77.25% percentage that marks high classification and effective interpretation.
The teacher's response to e-modules based heyzine was obtained 82.40 percent
with an excellent and valid classification. The study is recommended to further
readers and researchers as references because the development of products in the
present era of technological progress, information, and communication is
indispensable for the development of the learning process.
Keyword: heyzine, e-modul, teaching materials, P5, flipboo
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